Thank you for your thoughtful reply. I'm not sure what upset Dungbeetle about my comment, but obviously something did.
I would like to take a moment to comment about some of the people who post here, like Dungbeetle. First of all, I believe this forum serves a very valuable and useful purpose for those who have only recently had doubts about their involvement with the WTS or have recently separated themselves from it.
I noticed when I first posted here last summer, there were some self appointed forum elders who, for motives of their own, chose to criticize my comments and the comments of others. Many of those self righteous pricks have left the forum. To disagree with someone and clearly state the reasons for your disagreement is a valid exercise of use in any forum. But to cast aspersions on ones motives, or to personally attack them is a reflection of a fecal personality.
I believe this is simply a carry over of the ignorant, know-it-all attitude engendered by many years as a Jehovah's Witness. Being critical of others is certainly an admired attribute in the borg. What I would like to remind many former JW's, except those raised in it, is that being hoodwinked by the Witnesses is not something to be proud of. In fact, it may even reflect some deep seeded character flaws that will manifest themselves in other ways throughout ones life. I am not suggesting that this is the case with all former Witnesses, but certainly it seems to apply to many I see commenting here.
I still enjoy reading comments here and though I post much less frequently than I used to, I will continue to visit. So, to Dungbeetle and any others who have risen to the rank of forum elder, please kiss my ass.